lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

The Heart of the Mayan World, ¡you must visit!

The Maya have long created a calendar, determined that the time would end on December 21 of this year (2012), announcing an end of cycle and a new era, the Oxlajuj Baktun. Many believe that will be the end of the world, but I keep thinking about the end of the world, I think of an awakening, in an era of prosperity and a new beginning, is the time of Awakening Maya.

A man who is responsible for several years of studying the Mayan culture, discovered a door to this new era. Dr. Richard Hansen in 2009 announced a shocking discovery that changes history, until now known of the Mayan civilization.
We invite you to The Mirador Basin, a place that houses the cradle of the Maya, one of the architectural wonders of the world, offering ancestral history, invites you back to the past and imagine the Great Kingdom Kan.

This basin is located in the northern department of Peten, is a protected area, unique in the world. This place treasures a breathtaking natural wealth, a jungle with five different species of trees, 10 species of moths and butterflies previously unseen elsewhere in the world, has the highest concentration of jaguars in the world, with each 100mt2 11.83, further that Belize has only 7 and the Amazon in Brazil with 3. Two species of birds that only exist in this area and one species of fly never before. We can deduce that this is all a natural paradise.

Beyond the natural beauty of this site, Hansen presents to the world, the architectural wonders of the Mayan civilization, discovers a city dating back to 1500 BC to 300 AD, The Mirador Basin has a cultural treasure, the world's largest pyramid by volume, La Danta, larger even than the pyramid Cheops in Egypt. The United Kan also comprises several cities and thousands of historic structures, the Pyramid of Tigre, Los Micos, Group Chicharras and sites like Nakbe, Florida, Tintal, WAknab, Xulnal, Wiknal, Chan Kan, Paixbal, Naachtún, we are talking an entire architectural complex is extraordinary.

If you have an adventurous heart, you can not miss this great site. The beauty of the buildings, the sculpture of the same is an amazing world, is a world, a unique, Hansen said in an interview, "is almost like finding a new civilization."

If you have visited Tikal, let me tell you the Mirador Basin is much larger, beautiful and rich in culture.

It has also found a wall sculpture that has the image down to the underworld  Junaj Pu head of his father in June Junaj Pu and across Ixbalanque, both main characters in the Popol Vuh, below this sculpture is another even bigger in where only the jewel of the mask is 1.5 mts. x 1.5 mts. something you can not miss.

The Thirteen Baktun mark an ending, but also a new beginning, an awakening maya shown with the finding of this city, therefore you can not lose the opportunity to meet this extraordinary rainforest and one of the architectural wonders of the Mayan world.

Want to experience the majesty and spirituality of the Maya culture?, You must travel to the Mirador Basin, and enjoy the buildings and discover an amazing world.

It is the place of the moment, the site that everyone needs to know. You must venture into the Mirador Basin and enjoy the story, and be part of the "Awakening Maya".

The coraon the Mayan world, must visit!

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